Meet Brand Ambassador Fiske Miles

Oberwerk Brand Ambassador Fiske Miles

Fiske Miles is one of the most knowledgeable amateur astronomers we know of. He’s well-known on the astronomy forum cloudynights.com for his prolific binocular observing reports and equipment comparisons/reviews. Over the last few years, Fiske has purchased almost every binocular Oberwerk offers, including all four sizes of XL Series binocular telescopes- and has kept, and continues to use, all of them! He also has purchased at least one of every binocular mount option we offer.
In a meeting with our ad agency, the idea of having “brand ambassadors” was discussed. I immediately thought of Fiske Miles, and said we already have an “unofficial” brand ambassador. So we decided to make it “official”, and Fiske accepted our invitation to be our first Brand Ambassador.
We’re sponsoring his new website, “Explore the Night Sky” (explorethenightsky.com), which will be a great resource for those just getting into astronomy, as well as experienced night sky observers. Check it out- it will soon be chock-full of interesting binocular observing ideas, product reviews, comparisons of what’s seen with binocular models of various sizes and price ranges when pointed at the same object- which may be helpful for those not sure of what to buy.


Kevin Busarow, Founder