Oberwerk Supports These Organizations

The Miami Valley Astronomical SocietymvaslogoMVAS is Oberwerk’s hometown astronomy club. The MVAS serves two functions. The first and primary function is public education in astronomy and science. We promote education by bringing astronomy to the public through regular star-gazes at John Bryan State Park, special star¬gazes at the Museum, and by opening the Apollo Observatory every Friday night. MVAS members support a number of functions at local schools each year, and MVAS members work with young people on special projects including optical design and telescope making. We also provide information to the local media through newspaper articles and radio/TV announcements. Our second function is to promote amateur astronomy. The MVAS provides a forum where amateurs can get together, share ideas on astronomy subjects, learn from more experienced members, assist new or less experienced members, and simply enjoy the fellowship of a group of individuals sharing a common interest.
Ft. Wayne Children’s Choir– The Fort Wayne Children’s Choir offers a program which strongly emphasizes developing music literacy and appreciation through choral literature. The choir is organized into seven levels of curriculum, with auditioned singers placed in a choir level based on their musical skill, growth and development. Each choir includes a strong focus on team-building, self-discipline and positive creative expression. The mission of the Fort Wayne Children’s Choir is to provide a choral program exemplifying artistic and educational excellence for children from diverse backgrounds. The Fort Wayne Children’s Choir contributes to the community’s cultural environment by providing opportunities to experience the unique beauty of professionally trained young voices. The Fort Wayne Children’s Choir is recognized as one of the finest choirs in the nation because of the excellence of its musical education, the diversity of its membership and the quality of its contributions to the community’s cultural life.

seedling FoundationstiverslogoThe seedling Foundation supports and underwrites a wide variety of programs, performances, activities and initiatives at Stivers School for the Arts. We believe in the value of arts education. Why? Because we witness that value spring to life every day in studio and classroom. Put simply, students immersed in the arts perform better in academics and in life. Research documents the integral relationship between artistic engagement and academic performance. So while other schools strip arts from the school day we underwrite new, innovative after school and summer programs. We work to provide the additional funds required to make these immersive experiences possible. With broad community support, Stivers provides life-defining experiences for its students. Our belief is substantiated by the scholarships, honors, and the life achievements of our graduates.bsbologo
Kevin Busarow, president of Oberwerk, served on the seedling Foundation Board of Directors from 2015 to 2019.

Black Swamp Bird Observatory– The mission of the Black Swamp Bird Observatory is to inspire the appreciation, enjoyment, and conservation of birds and their habitats through research, education, and outreach. The BSBO is located at the entrance of the Magee Marsh Wildlife Area in Oak Harbor, OH.

Lake Erie Foundation-  Lake Erie Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization established in 2016 to sustain and protect the waters of Lake Erie now and in the future. Lake Erie Foundation is Lake Erie’s advocate for economic sustainability, legal defense, education, outreach and innovative sustainable technology.  The Lake Erie Foundation’s mission is to create and maintain a healthy Lake Erie now and forever.  The result of having a healthy lake will be water free of impacts from harmful algae and contaminants with minimized impacts from invasive species. Sustainable practices on land and in water will help restore Lake Erie and provide resilience to its ecosystem, providing a valuable resource for drinking, recreational activities, lake-related businesses, and aquatic and terrestrial life. When Lake Erie is healthy, it is a highly productive habitat for fish and wildlife.
Oberwerk is a “Guardian of Lake Erie” sponsor.

International Dark Sky Association– The Mission of the IDA is to protect the night skies for present and future generations. Their Goals-


  • Advocate for the protection of the night sky
  • Educate the public and policymakers about night sky conservation
  • Promote environmentally responsible outdoor lighting
  • Empower the public with the tools and resources to help bring back the night

WYSO– WYSO is the Greater Dayton area’s only NPR News station, and carries their flagship programs, including Morning Edition and All Things Considered. Their own news department delivers local and state news plus public affairs programming and news specials. In addition to NPR, they carry programming from American Public Media and PRX. They have thirteen different local music programs, hosted by knowledgeable and dedicated music lovers, most of them volunteers who present hand-selected music from songwriters and bands that reach across generations.