Getting Started with Your New Binocular

Thanks for choosing Oberwerk! Here are basic operation instructions for all models except the 25/40×100 Long-Range Observation Binocular and XL Series Binocular Telescopes. If you still have questions, please contact us by email at [email protected] or phone at 937-640-1040 (9am-5pm EDT). Zoom sessions or Facetime calls can also be arranged.

Adjusting IPD (Inter-Pupillary Distance)
Most of our binoculars bend at the body hinge to move the eyepieces closer together or farther apart, in order to match the eyepiece spacing to your own eye spacing. To find the perfect IPD setting for your eyes, view through the binocular at a distant target, and flex the binocular hinge until you notice the “sweet spot” of one well-merged circle in your peripheral vision. Don’t actually look at the field stops (the black circle in each eyepiece) as you have to cross your eyes to do that- and you’ll never get the circles to merge. Note also that the field stops will be somewhat out of focus when you’re looking at a distant target, so simply look for a well-merged fuzzy circle in your peripheral vision.
For binoculars with a built-in mount (20×65 ED Deluxe, 20×80 Deluxe III, 25×100 Deluxe), when adjusting IPD, temporarily loosen the large knob on the top of the vertical mount post. If this knob is tight, the left side of the binocular can’t move when bending at the hinge, so only the right side will swing up or down. Loosening the knob will allow both sides to swing up and down evenly.

Focusing / Setting the Right Diopter
CF (Center-Focus) Models
All center-focus binoculars have an independent focus provision in the right-side eyepiece. This is called the “right diopter adjustment” and it’s purpose is to compensate for any difference between your eyes. The adjustment is usually a rotating ring just below the right-side eyecup, or if there is no ring, then the entire eyepiece is rotated to change the setting. This only needs to be set once, and shouldn’t be needed again- unless someone else uses your binocular and changes the setting.
To set the right diopter, look at a distant object. Gently close your right eye and use the center focus wheel to achieve sharp focus on that distant object using just your left eye. Now gently close your left eye, but use only the right diopter adjustment (NOT the center focus wheel) to achieve sharp focus for the right eye. The binocular is now set for your eyes, and only the center focus wheel is used for any change in focus.

IF (Individual-Focus) Models (All Ultra Series, 20×65 ED Deluxe, 25×100 IF Deluxe)
Individual focus can be a little slower to focus than center-focus models, but because each eyepiece is directly attached to its own focuser, they’re highly accurate, and very accommodating for people with vision problems. Operation is simple- gently close one eye, rotate the focuser for the open eye to obtain sharpest focus, then repeat for the other eye.

Eyecups are used to cushion the face against the eyepieces as well as to help hold your eyes at the optimum distance from the eyepieces. Most eyecups have some provision for those wearing glasses, or those not- either using a twist-up mechanism or by simply folding the eyecups up or down. With eyecups in the down position, it’s possible to get too close to the eyepieces, which can cause the view to disappear (or “black-out”). If the eyes are too far from the eyepieces, you won’t see the entire FOV (field of view). The optimum position is where you can see the entire FOV and the view is not “blacking out”. A mid-position of the eyecup may be “just right”, but this varies with the individual. Those wearing glasses have two options- 1) take your glasses off and let the binocular’s focus range provide the correction you require or 2) leave your glasses on and put the eyecups in the fully-down position.

Eyepiece Cover
You’ll notice that the eyepiece cover has a loop on each side. No, the left side loop is not broken- it’s intentionally molded with a split. The purpose of the loops is so a neck-strap can be threaded through the right side, and simply hooked on the left side. When you raise the binocular to view, unhook the left side and allow the cover to drop away to the right side.

Using an “L” Adapter to mount to a tripod
Larger Oberwerk binoculars have built-in mounts that allow them to connect directly to a tripod head. All other Oberwerk models can be mounted to a tripod using the Oberwerk Heavy-Duty L Adapter. There is a cap at the end of the body hinge (opposite the eyepiece end). Unscrew it to reveal the tripod adapter socket. Attach your tripod head’s quick-release plate to the bottom of the L Adapter (uses standard 1/4-20 threading), then attach the L adapter to the tripod adapter socket.

Care and Maintenance
While our binoculars are built to be as rugged as possible, they are quite complex instruments. Always use a neck-strap to prevent accidental drops. When traveling, it’s best to fully retract the focuser (eyepieces as close as possible to the binocular body) to prevent damage to the focuser and/or ocular arms, should the eyepiece end of the binocular suffer an impact. Avoid dirt and sand as much as possible. If the lenses become dirty, we recommend using a Lens Cleaning Pen. First use the retractable soft brush to knock away any debris, then the cleaning tip can be used to remove anything remaining on the lens surfaces.