Fixed binoculars for Galapagos Ship

Dear Sirs,
I’m looking for binoculars to install on a ship’s outdoor deck that operates in the Galapagos Islands.  Similar to coin operated but without coins, for use of the passengers aboard so they can look at animals on the islands.  They must withstand salty weather conditions.  Please suggest anything you might have.

There are very few binoculars that can withstand a marine environment.  One would be the Fujinon 25×150 MT-SX, however it is quite expensive ($6195 not including mount).   The outdoor binoculars that you typically see at tourist sites are not very good optically, but you can find those at seecoast.com.  You can read more about why I don’t recommend them at this link.   Our 25/40×100 Long-Range Observation binoculars are optically excellent, and affordable (under $2000), but can only be outdoors when the weather is good.  The cruise ship Crystal Serenity, which is just completing a 30-day Northwest Passage expedition, has 12 of these strategically placed onboard.  Let me know if you have any questions.
Kevin Busarow

Hi Kevin,
We would be interested in the 25/40×100 at $2000.  What do you mean by good weather?  No rain?  Most of the time we have trouble in equipment with the salinity.  Everything gets rusty.  IF it rains we could tell the crew to cover them or to take it inside.  What do you think?  Thanks.

Yes, the 25/40×100 is water resistant, not waterproof or weatherproof.  So would be best to mount these in the pilothouse or somewhere out of weather.  If that’s not possible, we do have weatherproof covers available.


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