PM1 Parallelogram Mount

Back in April, we introduced a prototype of our PM1 parallelogram mount at the NEAF Astronomy Convention in NY. After a couple of revisions, it’s finally ready for market. Why a p-mount? For straight-through-view binoculars, it’s really the only way to use them comfortably when viewing the night sky. Combined with our TR3 maple tripod, there is plenty of height (and space) for even the tallest person to get underneath the binocular and view directly overhead (zenith). The p-mount also provides a huge 3-foot range of height adjustment, without losing the binocular’s target image. So it’s ideal for sharing the view with others, especially so when there is a variety of heights. The p-mount can also place the binocular low enough to view from a reclining lawn chair. Because the binocular is well to the side of the tripod, the p-mount is the only way to view the night sky from a wheelchair. So-why the Oberwerk PM1, and not something more affordable? There are other p-mounts available, the most popular being the Farpoint UBM (Universal Binocular Mount). While the UBM is quite functional, it doesn’t comes close to the PM1 in terms of smoothness, construction quality, and great looks. The maple hardwood does a great job of dampening, is very strong, and is also quite beautiful, especially when combined with the Oberwerk TR3 maple tripod. Look closely and you’ll see that some of the PM1 components are borrowed from the TR3, and operation of the mount will be very familiar to owners of the tripod. The PM1 also incorporates the highly-regarded Oberwerk 5000 fluid head, with dual panning handles. This makes steering the binocular much easier than competing p-mounts, which use a large hinged L-bracket. Nothing else pans through the night sky like the PM1. Due to its price point, it’s not for everyone. But for those that do a lot of binocular astronomy outreach, or those that simply want the best, the PM1 is the way to go.

5 Replies to “PM1 Parallelogram Mount”

  1. Matt Mamiya says:

    Do you guys have a plan to produce a walnut version to match the walnut TR3?

    1. Kevin Busarow says:

      Hi Matt,
      Because the PM1 is a specialty item (low volume), we had to limit components to just one hardwood- and we chose maple because it has slightly better dampening than walnut. But we have sold the maple PM1 on the walnut TR3, and it’s actually a great two-tone look.

  2. Robert Bennett says:

    Would this mount be able to support the weight of a BT-127XL-SD Binocular Telescope??? Thank you I just wanted to check ahead of time

    1. Kevin Busarow says:

      Unfortunately not. The weight limit for the PM1 is 12 lbs., the BT-127XL-SD is double that.

  3. Darren Hennig says:

    Hi Kevin,
    Just wishing you well, and wished to pipe in here on the use of my PM1! I LOVE this mount!! As you know, I have had mine nearly 4 years now – and it is still as smooth as the day I got it. Exceptional craftsmanship on this sir! 🙂

    Anyone looking to mount a binocular and have a superb parallelogram mount needs to seriously look at this mount! It is fantastic!

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